Aishwarya Pathak

Aishwarya Pathak is a graduate teaching assistant at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. She holds a bachelor’s in architecture from Mumbai University, India. After completion of her bachelor’s degree, she worked as an architect with the focus on redevelopment projects, residential and commercial projects. Parthak received a scholarship in 2015 to pursue her master’s in architecture with major in urban and regional planning from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, India. Her graduate research focused on the importance of urban agriculture and incorporating it in the urban planning with the formulation of strategic policies. After receiving her master’s degree, Pathak continued to work as an architect with additional responsibility of regional planning for the preparation of Development Control Regulation 2034. Presently, she is pursuing her second master’s degree in construction management. Pathak is working on understanding the social value dynamic of various stakeholders and how facilitate collaborative decision making in disaster contexts. Her research also deals with social network analysis (using twitter data analysis) of various stakeholders in disaster contexts. She is expected to graduate in the Spring 2020.