Alex Sun

FEMA Youth Preparedness Council
Alex Sun is a senior at Hillcrest High School in Utah. He is the Region VIII Representative on FEMA Youth Preparedness Council and is working to help improve the seismic safety of Utah’s schools. Sun is also co-founder and co-chair of the Envision Utah Youth Council, which helped recruit more than 17,000 parents and students to participate in an online survey about Utah’s future—including issues of disaster resilience. For his work with the Envision Utah Youth Council, Sun was awarded a Common Good Award by Utah Governor Herbert. In addition to his public service work, Sun is very interested in science and behavioral science research. He has studied “compassion fade” and the role of social norms in youth motivation and recently won second place in behavioral science at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) in Los Angeles. This summer he is attending the Summer Science Program in Astrophysics at the University of Colorado Boulder.