Angela de Oliveira

University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Angela de Oliveira is an Associate Professor at the department of resource economics in University of Massachusetts Amherst. She did her PhD at 2009 in Economy from University of Texas at Dallas. She has received an award of chancellor’s leadership fellow, office of faculty development under Vice Provost Michelle Budig in 2019. Dr. Oliveria also received Certificate of Excellence in reviewing for Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. She was a fellow enabling the next generation of hazards and disasters Researchers fellowship program sponsored by national science foundation (nsf). Dr. Oliveira’s research interests lie in the field of behavioral public economics – or in incorporating non-standard assumptions into the economic analysis of the public sector. More broadly, she is interested in what makes decision makers different from each other, also known as individual heterogeneity. She uses experiments to examine these differences. She investigates which factors robustly impact behavior.