Anne Wein

U.S. Geological Survey
Anne Wein cares about using scientific information in decisions that reduce natural hazard risks. She is a project lead and researcher with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the Western Geographic Science Center. She coordinates research to transform natural hazard information and data into societal consequences and to communicate scientific information. Wein works at the interfaces of disciplines (e.g., between engineering and economics), between theory and practice, using quantitative and qualitative methods.
Wein has coordinated analyses of multiple hazard scenarios with societal consequences for the 2008 ShakeOut earthquake, 2011 ARkStorm winter storm, and 2013 Science Application for Risk Reduction Tsunami in California, 2017-2020 HayWired earthquake sequence scenario.
Wein received a 2010 Success Story award for advancing the goals of the USGS Science Strategy through the development and execution of the ShakeOut Scenario and Exercise. She represented Societal Impacts in the 2013 USGS Hazards Science Strategy Plan. She and the HayWired scenario team recently received an award from the Bay Area Association of Governments/Metropolitan Transportation Commission for producing the most detailed earthquake scenario for use in their regional planning. Redgional Economic Models Inc. honored the HayWired economic impact analysis led by the Association of Bay Area Governments with a Silver George I. Treyz Award.
Wein holds a PhD in decision science from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.