Bob Gough

Intertribal Council on Utility Policy
Bob Gough is an attorney and cultural ecologist of Irish, English, French and Lenape descent, with 40 years experience in tribal natural and cultural resource issues. As founding secretary in 1992 of the Intertribal Council On Utility Policy (COUP), Gough has advocated for indigenous rights and resource relations with interest in building sustainable, efficient and renewable energy-based reservation economies.
Gough and COUP President Patrick Spears were the recipients of the Inaugural World Clean Energy Award, Special Award for Courage, from Facktor Four, Basel, Switzerland (2007) for the Tribal Wind, Federal Hydropower plan they developed for harnessing the renewable energy of the northern Great Plains. They also co-chaired and steered the Native Peoples/Native Homelands workshops (1998 and 2009). Gough contracted with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Wind Powering Native America program (2000-2009), receiving the DOE Wind Energy Program Outstanding Technology Acceptance Award (2004). He was lead author for the national climate assessment’s Indigenous Peoples, Lands and Resources chapter (2014), co-founded the Rising Voices gatherings at UCAR/NCAR and is a member of Pacific Risk Management Ohana (PRiMO) IKE Hui. Since 2012, Gough has been a certified instructor with FEMA's National Disaster Preparedness Training Center working primary to promote tribal leadership and community resilience awareness.
Gough and COUP President Patrick Spears were the recipients of the Inaugural World Clean Energy Award, Special Award for Courage, from Facktor Four, Basel, Switzerland (2007) for the Tribal Wind, Federal Hydropower plan they developed for harnessing the renewable energy of the northern Great Plains. They also co-chaired and steered the Native Peoples/Native Homelands workshops (1998 and 2009). Gough contracted with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Wind Powering Native America program (2000-2009), receiving the DOE Wind Energy Program Outstanding Technology Acceptance Award (2004). He was lead author for the national climate assessment’s Indigenous Peoples, Lands and Resources chapter (2014), co-founded the Rising Voices gatherings at UCAR/NCAR and is a member of Pacific Risk Management Ohana (PRiMO) IKE Hui. Since 2012, Gough has been a certified instructor with FEMA's National Disaster Preparedness Training Center working primary to promote tribal leadership and community resilience awareness.