Casper Harteveld
Casper Harteveld is an Associate Professor of Game Design at Northeastern University, has affiliated appointments in Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, and with the School of Law, and works closely with faculty in Marine Science and Public Policy. His research focuses on using games to study and improve decision-making, and through these efforts both to advance our knowledge and to engage a broad cross-section of people globally about societal issues. He applies games especially in areas where it is challenging to study and educate in natural environments and collects detailed and expansive behavioral data in a controlled manner. Dr. Harteveld 's research focuses on Decision Making, Game Analytics, Game Design, Game User Research, Learning, Resilience, Sustainability and Systems Thinking. For his work, Dr. Harteveld was awarded the Young Talent Prize of Information Systems, Special Prize for best dissertation in simulation & gaming, five National Science Foundation awards, and DARPAäó»s Young Faculty Award. He is also a National Science Foundation Fellow of the Next Generation of Hazards & Disasters Researchers program.