Dana Murray

University of Toronto
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Dana Murray is a cultural heritage professional currently working towards her PhD in information at the University of Toronto, Canada. Her research explores the social and behavioral impact of extreme weather events on gallery, library, archive, and museum (GLAM) professionals as they seek to fulfill their duty to their collections in crisis situations.
Striving to disseminate her research with GLAM associations and institutions, Murray’s goal is to model better support for gallery, library, archive, and museum practitioners in moments of crisis and establish interdisciplinary connections in the process. She advocates for emergency training within the GLAM sector through her memberships in the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice, the National Trust for Canada’s disaster working group, and the Association of Registrars and Collection Specialists’ advocacy committee.
Murray completed her Master of Arts in religion and public life from Carleton University and her Master of Arts in museum studies from the University of Toronto. As a teaching assistant for the University of Toronto’s Master of Museum Studies program, Murray also contributes to the professional development of emerging museum practitioners.