David Carrasquillo
David Carrasquillo has worked as a professional licensed planner for over ten years. His academic background includes political science, history, philosophy, geography, law, and planning. He currently leads the Planning and Community Development Department at the Hispanic Federation in Puerto Rico. He tends to issues regarding land use planning, community engagement, coalition building, advocacy, policy, housing, health, census, civic engagement, open data, cartographic, and spatial analysis/mapping, among others. David is a member of federal commissions, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Equity Commission and the Federal Geographic Data Committee.
Among his most notable professional experiences, Carrasquillo worked as an advisor for the Planning and Land Use Office of the Municipality of San Juan. He also advised Fundacion Comunitaria de Puerto Rico on housing, economic development, and planning issues. He also led legislative research and policy analysis for Representative Manuel Natal in the House of Representatives. For a tenure of 5 years, from 2014 to 2019, he presided over the Puerto Rican Planning Society. He also was a commissioner on the Citizen's Committee for the Audit of the Public Debt. He has also served as a professor, offering courses like municipal planning, alternative planning theory, and society and state.
Carrasquillo is a dedicated community-driven activist in broad topics such as zoning and land use policy, abandoned spaces, data, and information access, public spaces, environmental justice, racial discrimination, territorial and colonial issues, protection of public institutions (especially the University of Puerto Rico), fair and affordable housing, transportation, and mobility, among many others.