Elizabeth Bittel

State University of New York College at Cortland
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Elizabeth Bittel received her Bachelors degree in Sociology, Social Welfare, and Secondary Education from the University of North Florida in 2010, and is currently a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at University of Colorado at Boulder and a graduate research assistant at the Natural Hazards Center. Her dissertation research focuses long-term community-level recovery from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the Sri Lankan civil war in communities in rural Eastern Sri Lanka. Her other main research foci include the dynamics of disaster recovery work as “development,” and the implications of this practice for communities in the global south, environmental inequalities and justice, and Tamil culture. She is also a research affiliate with the American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies.
Additionally, Elizabeth enjoys teaching and mentoring undergraduate students, and has taught the following classes at the University of Colorado: Environment and Society (SOCY 2077; both online and in person), Field Methods (SOCY 3041), and the Sociology of Hazards and Disasters (SOCY 4037) among others.