Fehintola Sanusi

Florida A&M University

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Fehintola Sanusi is a doctoral student and a graduate research assistant at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering. Sanusi holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University, and master's degree from Florida State University with a concentration in transportation engineering.

Sanusi is currently working on infrastructure planning for the resilience of civil infrastructure against cyber-physical attacks. Her research interests include infrastructure resilience, infrastructure engineering management, disaster risk management and mitigation, transportation engineering, modeling and simulation connected and autonomous vehicle systems and intelligent transportation systems.

Sanusi has been involved in a variety of research projects with the Florida State University Transportation Center including modeling the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles in construction works zones. Sanusi has also presented some of her research findings at various conferences such as Florida Automated Vehicle Summit, Transportation Research Board annual meeting, and the Florida Section Institute of Transportation Engineers annual meeting.