Gabriella Meltzer

Gabriella Meltzer is a doctoral candidate in social and behavioral sciences at New York University School of Global Public Health. Her public health research interests broadly encompass how environmental exposures—ranging from natural hazards, technological disasters, biohazards, and industrial pollution—create and exacerbate health disparities at critical and sensitive periods of the life course, including infancy, childhood, and adolescence, pregnancy, and old age. She uses a variety of methods to explore these issues, including quantitative data analysis, in-depth interviewing and qualitative data analysis, community-based participatory research, and geospatial analysis. Her dissertation explores how the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the context of cumulative environmental stress affected children’s and adolescents’ physical and mental health in southern Louisiana. Meltzer is also a member of the inaugural cohort of the Early Career Innovator fellowship at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Prior to NYU, she received her bachelor's in health and societies from the University of Pennsylvania and was a Global Health Research Associate at the Council on Foreign Relations.