Inge Duine

Inge Duine teaches Communication at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda, the Netherlands. She has degrees in journalism and cultural studies.
“From Silence to Recognition” is based on her MA dissertation titled "De ramp, de herinnering. Een onderzoek naar de herinnering aan de watersnoodramp in de journalistiek, oral history en literatuur" (The Disaster, the Memory. Research Into the Memory of the Watersnoodramp in Journalism, Oral History, and Literature). In her spare time, she likes to write fiction.
She is currently working on her debut thriller De laatste Tour (The Final Tour), which will be published by Uitgeverij De Fontein in May 2016. See for updates:
“From Silence to Recognition” is based on her MA dissertation titled "De ramp, de herinnering. Een onderzoek naar de herinnering aan de watersnoodramp in de journalistiek, oral history en literatuur" (The Disaster, the Memory. Research Into the Memory of the Watersnoodramp in Journalism, Oral History, and Literature). In her spare time, she likes to write fiction.
She is currently working on her debut thriller De laatste Tour (The Final Tour), which will be published by Uitgeverij De Fontein in May 2016. See for updates: