Jamie Vickery

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Jamie Vickery is a research associate at the Natural Hazards Center and a postdoctoral fellow within the Microscale and Mesoscale Meteorology Laboratory (MMM) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Her research interests focus on the social dimensions of hazards and disasters, including disaster vulnerability, resilience, risk perception, and risk communication.

Jamie has worked on a variety of research and evaluation projects concerning disaster-affected communities, risk perception, and program/product evaluation. Examples of such projects include an assessment of approaches used to measure social returns on investment for FEMA's "whole community" approach, evaluation support to the USGS Science Application for Risk Reduction team, and a study examining risk perception in response to induced seismicity within Oklahoma and Colorado. Her dissertation research analyzed the effects of the 2013 Colorado floods on homeless individuals and homeless-serving organizations in Boulder County. Using qualitative research methods, she explored how socio-political and economic processes and contexts influence homeless persons' and community-based organizations' vulnerability and resilience to disaster. More recently, she completed a postdoc for a NSF-funded study titled, "Dynamic Risk Perception and Action in Response to Forest Insect Disturbance in North-Central Colorado." 

Currently, Jamie serves as co-PI and project manager for an evaluation of Save the Children's Building State Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters' Capacities to Protect Children in Emergencies and as a postdoctoral researcher on a National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA)-funded project to evaluate National Weather Service (NWS) partner needs regarding the NWS tropical cyclone product suite. She is a member of the Board on Societal Impacts for the American Meteorological Society and lead for the CONVERGE working group titled, "Homelessness, Housing Precarity & COVID-19."