Kamryn Roper-Fetter

Natural Hazards Center
Contact Info
Kamryn Roper-Fetter is currently an undergraduate in the human geography program at the University of Colorado Boulder. He began working at the Natural Hazards Center in August, 2019, and he is currently collaborating with the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) team to develop a database of social science hazards researchers. Subjects that Roper-Fetter has studied outside of the Natural Hazards Center include: social determinants for Malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, U.S. immigration systems/migrant flows, Mexico-U.S. arms dealing and drug trafficking, and the Union Carbide Corporation gas explosion in Bhopal, India. Roper-Fetter is thrilled to be working with the Natural Hazards Center and hopes to pursue a career in social vulnerability research in disaster situations. Roper-Fetter's work and interests are inspired by geographers and thinkers such as Edward Said, David Harvey, Immanuel Kant, and the "original geographer" Eratosthenes. On his off time, he enjoys hiking throughout the mountains, spending quality time with his dogs and cats, and learning classical guitar.