Katie Arrington

Boulder County, Colorado
Katie Arrington is the assistant recovery manager for Boulder County. She has been employed with the county since the 2013 floods and has spent 15 years working in the field of preparedness and recovery. Before working for Boulder County, she worked for the University of California Los Angeles as an emergency preparedness coordinator. Arrington has her master’s in public health, specializing in emergency public health preparedness.
Arrington believes that community-led recovery efforts lead to more resilient post-event recovery. She served on the Boulder County Cultural Responsiveness and Inclusion Committee and is also a certified racial equity practitioner with Pacific Educational Group. Arrington believes that race has to be a central part of the conversation to achieve more equitable outcomes in preparedness, response, recovery, and resiliency.
Arrington lives in Lafayette, Colorado, with her husband, two kids, and a dog named Churro.