Miriam Kahn

MBK Consulting
Miriam Kahn, MLS, Ph.D. CEO of MBK Consulting. Kahn helps libraries, archives, corporations, and cultural institutions plan for, recover from, and prevent disasters that interrupt services. Since 1989, she has been working in the field of preservation, consulting on disaster response, and offering hands-on assistance during disasters. She is the author of Disaster Response and Planning for Libraries, Third Edition (2012) and Protecting Your Library’s Electronic Resources (ALA Editions). She is a popular presenter and teacher, offering courses at Kent State University’s Graduate School for Library and Information Science and throughout the Midwest. She holds an MLS from Queens College, CUNY and a PhD from Kent State University. In 2012, Kahn experienced the damage and stress of a wide-area, large-scale disaster in New York City first hand, learning many lessons in the aftermath of the storm. You can contact Kahn at mbkcons@gmail.com