Mollie Mahany

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Mollie Mahany is a senior public health advisor at the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mahany has over 15 years of experience working in disaster risk management, both domestically and abroad. She is a recognized expert in disaster risk reduction (DRR) for health, a member of the NSTC Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction (SDR) and co-chair of the International Working Group of the SDR. She has served on over a dozen technical consultancies to WHO, and represented the health sector as a member of the Open-ended International Expert Working Group on indicators and terminology for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. Mahany has provided direct technical assistance and consultations to state, territorial, and international organizations on public health, climate change, disaster risk management, planning, and public health and hospital emergency preparedness, and has worked extensively in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands. Before joining CDC, Mahany served as a public health advisor for the assistant secretary for preparedness and response in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She earned her bachelor’s degree from St. Mary’s College of Maryland with an eighteen month study abroad program at the Fudan University in Shanghai, PRC. She later earned a graduate certificate from the Johns Hopkins University/Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies in Nanjing, PRC, and her Master of Public Health degree from the George Washington University.