Nick Shufro

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Nick Shufro was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in September 2016. Shufro is the deputy assistant administrator of the Risk Management Directorate (RMD), Resilience. RMD’s mission is to provide the nation with the knowledge required to build resilience and reduce disaster suffering for all.
RMD’s priorities include producing flood hazard and risk data, assessing and translating risk information into action, communicating risk, promoting and sustaining a ready and prepared nation, and providing incentives to drive mitigation action for multiple perils. This is done via RMD’s broad program portfolio, including: leading the RiskMAP, Hazard Mitigation Planning, and Building Science programs; managing the National Dam Safety and High Hazard Potential Dam programs; assessing Individual and Community Preparedness; implementing the National Earthquake Hazards and Windstorm Impact Reduction programs; initiating post-event mitigation assessment teams, community risk and capability assessments, and national risk and capability assessments; and leveraging various RMD risk assessment science communication tools such the national household survey on disaster preparedness, the national risk index, the natural hazards risk assessment program Hazus, the climate risk and resilience portal, and the resilience analysis and planning tool to increase state, local, territorial, and tribal emergency management capacity.
Before the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Shufro worked at PwC, the U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership, the United Technologies Corporation, and Merrill Lynch.