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Peter J. May

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Peter J. May is the Donald R. Matthews Distinguished Professor Emeritus of American Politics. He came to the UW in 1979 and retired in December 2014. May has been a visiting scholar at the U.S. Department of Interior (1997-78), a senior Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Australia National University (1991), a visiting professor at Aarhus University, Denmark (1998), a visiting professor at the University of Hong Kong (2009), and a research affiliate of the Danish National Centre for Social Research in Copenhagen. Dr. May’s research addresses policy processes, environmental regulation, and policymaking for natural hazards and disasters. He has authored or co-authored four books and numerous publications in leading journals in public policy and public administration. His research has been funded among other sources with grants from the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the United States Geological Survey.