Rachel Minnery

American Institute of Architects
Rachel Minnery is the senior director of resilience, adaptation, and disaster assistance at the American Institute of Architects (AIA), where she develops practice resources, technical guidance, and education for the organization’s 95,000 members and the building industry. Minnery leads a coalition of 53 signatories of the Building Industry Statement on Resilience, has been instrumental in the development of resilience rating systems for buildings and communities, and she launched the AIA’s resilience online certificate program. Recently, Minnery co-led the organization’s design and technical response to COVID-19 with Reopening America: Strategies for Safer Buildings. Minnery’s previous experience includes design, planning, and management for housing, non-profit, and institutional clients. She is the co-founder of Architects Without Borders Seattle and has led groups of building safety assessment volunteers to disaster-stricken places.