Rebekah Paci-Green

Western Washington University
Rebekah Green is assistant professor of environmental studies at Western Washington University where she teaches courses in natural hazards planning and disaster risk reduction. She has a background in structural engineering and cultural anthropology. At Western Washington University, she directs the Resilience Institute, where she oversees projects aimed at reducing disasters and enhancing community resilience. Recent projects have included writing the exercise document for Cascadia Rising and developing a plan for regional, coordinated earthquake risk communication. Outside the university, she is also co-director of Risk RED, a non-governmental organization devoted to advocacy for disaster risk reduction in the education sector that sits on the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Global Alliance for disaster risk reduction and resilience. In partnership with Save the Children, Australia, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Arup, and the Global Facility For Disaster reduction and recovery, she has worked with experts and practitioners worldwide to develop global guidelines for community-based approaches to school construction in hazard-prone regions and to assess education sector policies for disaster risk reduction globally. She has also collaborated in the development and piloting of digital apps that assist local, regional, and national actors in assessing comprehensive school safety and selecting appropriate interventions.