Seungbeom Kang

Seungbeom Kang is an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Engineering at Yonsei University. He defines himself as an interdisciplinary social scientist who is interested in various housing-related subjects—including affordable housing policies, housing instability and residential mobility, urban poverty, and social equity. His primary research goal is to utilize his extensive knowledge and skills accumulated in the urban planning discipline to identify the barriers that constrain low-income households’ options for affordable and stable housing. Kang aims to develop policies and plans to preserve and expand their housing options. Through conducting a series of empirical studies, he aims to understand how the capability to achieve housing stability is shaped by a wide range of economic, social, political, and physical environments of cities. He holds a Ph.D. in city and regional planning from the Ohio State University and a master’s degree in urban planning and engineering from Yonsei University.