Shih-Kai Huang

Jacksonville State University

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Shih-Kai (Sky) Huang is an associate professor of emergency management at Jacksonville State University (JSU) with a research emphasis on risk communication, warning and response, hurricane evacuation, and environmental health studies. Huang, received his PhD in urban and regional science from Texas A&M University, is director of the Center for Emergency Preparedness at JSU and the co-editor of the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters. He has published more than 30 academic products. Some of this recent research has appeared in Safety Science, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Risk Analysis, Energy Policy, Natural Hazards Review, and Environment and Behavior. Also, he has several ongoing research projects, including an experimental study examining tornado infographics and warnings, a quick response project on households’ immediate behavior to a nighttime earthquake, an international comparative study on community resilience, and a developing brain-storm project on the incident response to the COVID-19 outbreak.