Sudipta Roy

Indiana University Bloomington
Sudipta Roy is a Ph.D. candidate in Education Policy Studies at School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. He has conducted research on socio-environmental vulnerability among secondary school students in coastal Bangladesh. His research interests include access and quality of education in vulnerable areas, disaster education, and school based disaster management, and education for sustainable development. Sudipta has secured funding from British Council Bangladesh, Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Fellowship, School of Education Fellowship, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Mellon Innovating International Research and Teaching Fellowship, American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS), Santosh Jain Memorial Fellowship, and numerous travel grants. He has taught foundation courses in education at Indiana University, Bloomington as well as at Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI). Sudipta grew up in Bangladesh, where he obtained a Bachelor and Master degrees in English from University of Dhaka. He has organized panels and presented at various international conferences organized by academic and professional organizations such as Comparative and International Education Society, Society for Applied Anthropology, and South Asia Studies. In his scarce free time, he watches cricket matches, listens to folk music, and explores his surroundings with a camera!