Ted D. Serrant

Houston Independent School District

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Ted D. Serrant is a research specialist with the Houston Independent School District. He is also an adjunct faculty at the Open Campus, University of the West Indies EdD program. Serrant holds a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. His research focus is on education in emergencies particularly chronic low-intensity hazards and the policy imperatives. Serrant’s dissertation, Children, Learning, and Chronic Natural Disasters: How Does the Government of Dominica Address Education During Chronic Low-Intensity Hurricanes? won the 2014 Best Dissertation Award, Institute for International Studies in Education, University of Pittsburgh. His current work investigates weather-related emergency management policies in a large urban school district in the United States, as well as the extent to which existing education policies in the Eastern Caribbean address education during emergencies.

Serrant served as the Ministry of Education’s representative on the National Emergency Planning Organization in Dominica and was president of the St. Joseph Community Disaster Management Committee, Dominica. He conducted inter-disciplinary disaster research work in Haiti including fieldwork, following the 2010 earthquake to determine the country’s transition from response to recovery, and in San Diego, CA following the 2010 H1N1 epidemic to understand organizational response under emergencies and stress.