Victor Perez

University of Delaware
Victor Perez is an assistant professor of sociology with specializations in environmental justice, health & illness, and the sociology of risk. Perez is trained in quantitative survey research and has developed skills in mixed-methods research approaches in recent years, including field observations and focus groups. A unifying theme throughout his career is the entwined configuration of health, risk, and society, with a focus on environmental and health issues through social constructionist and social justice lenses. Currently, his research projects include a mixed-methods approach to examining perceptions of historic contaminants and sea-level rise in an impoverished area in South Wilmington, Delaware, working with an interdisciplinary team that is evaluating levels of historic contaminants and hypothesizing their mobility through water inundation. Further, his other projects involve issues such as self-migration/relocation from climate change impacts and environmental burdens and equitable brownfield revitalization.
Perez is a faculty affiliate of the Delaware Environmental Institute and the Disaster Research Center, and serves as a policy fellow for the Center for Community Research and Service. Service is something that he takes pride in, and commits a significant amount of time to the university’s Institutional Review Board and numerous initiatives and offices around campus, as well as the American Sociological Association Taskforce on Contingent Faculty.