Special Focus Research Grant Program Guidelines


The Natural Hazards Center's Special Focus Grant Program provides funds for researchers to expand academic knowledge on topical areas of interest in the field of hazards and disasters. Research accepted for funding will result in the submission of an abstract and a brief report that makes a preliminary analysis of findings. Reports are published on the Natural Hazards Center website and distributed to a multidisciplinary network of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and educators.

Program Operation and Selection Criteria

The Natural Hazards Center’s Special Focus Small Grant Program uses qualifying criteria set by the National Science Foundation to judge proposals and expects a high level of scientific rigor.

Each proposal must speak to both intellectual merit—describing the potential of the proposed activity to advance knowledge—and broader impacts—detailing the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes.

After data collection and analysis is completed, researchers write an abstract and brief report for distribution to the hazards and disasters community through Center publications and news outlets, to make research findings quickly and broadly available.

Although a variety of rigorous empirical research designs are acceptable, proposals that are theory-driven and use widely recognized, scientific methods to examine social, behavioral, and organizational phenomena are preferred. In addition, the program seeks to fund research that is likely to be extended or more broadly disseminated. The program also supports students and emerging researchers. Members of these groups are encouraged to apply. Principal investigators must be based at institutions within the United States.

The Program provides small grants to reimburse actual expenses incurred during pre-approved fieldwork, data collection, and analysis. Research does not need to involve fieldwork to be eligible for a grant. Research involving secondary data analysis is also eligible. Realistic and economical budgets demonstrating an effective use of program funds will be favored.

Before conducting any research, investigators are required to demonstrate evidence from their home institution that they have received an Institutional Review Board approval or waiver for the protection of human subjects. Any privacy protections necessary for research conducted through the Special Focus Small Grants Program will be the responsibility of the principal investigator and the institution where they are employed.

Application Process

Please submit a complete proposal after a Special Call is released and before the application window has closed. Proposals are submitted using the online form linked at the bottom of this page. For submission deadlines and award amounts, please see the Special Calls page. Proposals are accepted from all U.S.-based researchers.

Proposals may take different forms, but all submissions must include the following information:

  • A title, full abstract of proposed research, authors names and affiliations, and three to five key words.

  • A brief abstract (less than 100 words) to be posted on the Natural Hazards Website. See the format here.

  • A maximum five-page proposal (not including references) consisting of a:

    • Title

    • A brief statement on Intellectual Merit–describing the potential of the proposed activity to advance knowledge—and Broader Impacts–describing the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired research applications.

    • Research Question(s)

    • Brief Literature Review: this should demonstrate the authors knowledge of the area of research being proposed as well as state the gaps that this research will fill.

    • Proposed Research Methods: should include the research design, sampling, procedures, measures, an analysis plan, and timeline.

    • Budget Justification: grant awards will vary for each special call. Budgets should provide a breakdown of anticipated expenditures within the pre-determined range. Funding should be used for expenses associated with data collection and/or analysis. Funds may be dedicated to fieldwork expenses, the purchase of research equipment or datasets, for stipends to researchers for training purposes, payment for translators or other team members, and various participant compensation. In terms of budget needs for field equipment, please consider exploring options available through NSF-supported RAPID facility before making requests. Overhead and indirect costs are not allowed.

  • Students should submit a statement explaining their qualifications and ability to implement the proposed methods and complete the work. A letter of support from an advisor and other information supporting a student's qualifications may be required before final approval is granted.

  • An official letter from the applicant’s human subjects committee approving the research, or waiving the need for approval, will be required before a Special Focus Small Grant is activated. The proposal may be submitted before human subjects committee approval is obtained, but we recommend that approval be sought as early as possible. If a human subjects committee approval letter is not sent with your proposal, please include a short statement about your plans for meeting this requirement.

The above documents should be submitted through our online form below. Please do not submit proposals directly to Center staff.

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on weighted criteria favoring:

  • Clearly articulated research questions that will be investigated using robust and appropriate methods

  • Research that significantly contributes to knowledge about the social aspects of hazards and disasters

  • Proposals with strong intellectual merit that will result in broader impacts

  • Efficient and responsibly crafted budgets

  • The representation of new professionals, student researchers, and/or members from historically underrepresented groups included in the proposal when possible

Final approval of all proposals will be made by NHC Deputy Administrator and Special Focus Grant Program Administrator, Jennifer Tobin.

Activation Procedure and Grant Requirements

After the review team completes the scoring and ranking of your proposal, you will be contacted by Jennifer Tobin. If your proposal has been approved, she will discuss additional steps needed for activation.

A Special Focus Small Grant Research Report of no more than 12 pages will be due within three months of returning from the field. The report should include:

  • Three to five Key Words

  • At least two high quality images relevant to the research that can be posted on the Natural Hazards Center website and in the final report. Copyright privileges must be granted to the Natural Hazards Center.

  • An abstract of 200 words or less

  • The research question(s), methods, results, possible application of results, and plans for next steps or future work emerging from data collection.

  • Data collection instruments and tools, such as surveys and interview guides, that you would like to share publicly to advance science.

Reports should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document in a sans serif, 12-pt font. Charts, graphs, photos, and other ancillary materials should be submitted as separate files with notations of their placement in the main document. Do not embed photographs in Word documents. References should be formatted according to American Psychological Association publication manual.

After the report is received and accepted, the researcher may submit original receipts for reimbursement, up to the amount stated in the acceptance letter, in accordance with the Special Call guidelines. Researchers submitting late reports may forfeit reimbursement.

Reports will be edited to Center style and published on the Natural Hazards Center website as well as in other electronic and print forms. Most researchers go on to publish final results in academic journals or reports. The researcher must acknowledge Center support in all publications resulting from their Special Focus Small Grant-funded research and provide an electronic link or reprint of those publications to Jennifer Tobin.

Submit Your Proposal

Check back later! New special calls will be available soon.