Recent devastating events such as the wildfires in Hawaii and Hurricane Idalia in Florida demand an ethical and robust research response. Such work can improve understanding of health outcomes for groups experiencing disproportionate impacts.
Because time is limited to collect perishable data that could help inform disaster recovery and future preparedness efforts, the Natural Hazards Center is issuing a special call for quick response research focused on health outcomes and climate-related disasters. Such examples include wildfires, hurricanes, extreme heat events, harmful algal blooms, and floods.
With the support of the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, awards of $10,000 to $50,000 will be available for proposals that focus on health outcomes among groups that may be disproportionately impacted such as:
- people with existing health conditions
- people in low-income households
- people of color, migrants, or refugees
- pregnant women
- children
- older adults
- people experiencing homelessness
Those interested should submit a five-page, single-spaced proposal following the Quick Response Proposal Submission Guidelines. A report detailing activities, findings, and actionable recommendations for health practitioners will be due within six months of award activation.
Preference will be given to proposals that:
- Build on existing knowledge and/or fill a gap in the literature regarding health outcomes and disproportionately affected groups;
- Implement a novel and replicable research design;
- Have local partnerships, a plan to ethically collect perishable data, and a clear commitment to return results to affected people and communities;
- Have promise for significant practical application; and
- Promote interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research.
Please read the special call in its entirety for a full list of research considerations.
We encourage researchers to access resources available from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Disaster Research Response (DR2) and to consider using equipment available through the RAPID facility. All applicants should review the CONVERGE Extreme Events Research Check Sheets and, as needed, complete the CONVERGE Training Modules, including those focused on topics such as Cultural Competence, Ethical Considerations, Collecting Perishable Data, and Conducting Emotionally Challenging Research.
To submit a proposal, please access the application form on the submission guidelines page. Questions should be emailed to the Natural Hazards Center.
Proposals will be reviewed and decisions will be issued within three weeks of submission. Funds will be awarded until resources are exhausted, so please submit soon.