Taking advanced action to prepare people and places for extreme events can reduce the most devastating impacts from tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and blizzards. With that in mind, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather-Ready Nation initiative readies communities for extreme weather, water, and climate events.
We're pleased to announce that we've partnered with the administration to help advance these goals by issuing four special calls for proposals for social, behavioral, and economic sciences to advance the understanding of how to most effectively prepare for and communicate about extreme weather, water, and climate events.
The first call for research proposals was issued in October 2020 and resulted in nine Quick Response Award grants being issued. The second call will emphasize the need to publish social science and multidisciplinary data, data collection instruments, and research protocols in this area.
Available funds will support 18 to 36 awards of either $1,250 or $2,500 each. Investigators may submit a total of up to three separate proposals.
The $1,250 awards will support publication of one or more research protocols; instruments such as surveys, interview or focus group guides; or observation protocols from a single project.
The $2,500 awards will be reserved for those who publish a dataset and associated data collection instruments and protocols for a single project.
Successful applicants will receive training through the NSF-supported CONVERGE Publish Your Data! initiative and ultimately publish their own data and instruments through the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure DesignSafe-Cyberinfrastructure. After publication, researchers will receive a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for their data and instruments.
For more information, including preferred topic areas, program eligibility, and how to submit a proposal, visit the second call for Weather-Ready Research page.