Dennis Mileti delivers a keynote address at the Natural Hazards Workshop
Dennis Mileti delivers a keynote address at the Natural Hazards Workshop. ©Natural Hazards Center, 2014.

A special volume of the Natural Hazards Review honoring the legacy of former Natural Hazards Director Dennis Mileti is now available online.

The collection, The Legacy of Dennis S. Mileti and the Future of Public Alert and Warning Research, includes reviews and assessments of Mileti’s work, as well as forward-looking examinations of technologies, practices, and policies that can improve the access and efficiency of hazards warnings and alerts.

Mileti, who passed away in 2021, was well-recognized as an innovator in communicating hazards and disasters information in a clear, accessible way to achieve maximum impact.

The 10-artcle collection was curated to honor Mileti’s legacy and build on his pioneering work. It was guest edited by his former students and collaborators: Jeannette Sutton, Hamilton Bean, Lori Peek, Erica Kuligowski, and Michele Wood.

Papers in this Collection

The following papers, which are not freely accessible, were published in the special collection. Those wishing to access these articles are encouraged to reach out to the lead authors.

The Legacy of Dennis S. Mileti and the Future of Public Alert and Warning Research
Jeannette Sutton, Hamilton Bean, Lori Peek, Erica Kuligowski, and Michele Wood

Ember Alerts: Assessing Wireless Emergency Alert Messages in Wildfires Using the Warning Response Model
Erica D. Kuligowski, Nicholas A. Waugh, Jeannette Sutton, and Thomas J. Cova

Social Science Contributions to Earthquake Warnings: Commemorating the Work of Dennis S. Mileti
James D. Goltz

An Experimental Study of Message Strategies for Mobile Alerts and Warnings
Elizabeth J. Carlson and Joshua B. Barbour

Communicating Hazard Location through Text-and-Map in Earthquake Early Warnings: A Mixed Methods Study
Jeannette Sutton, Michele M. Wood, David O. Huntsman, Nick Waugh, and Savanah Crouch

Sensing Flooded Roads to Support Roadway Mobility during Flooding: A Web-Based Tool and Insights from Needs Assessment Interviews
Pranavesh Panakkal, Elisa S. M. Fattoracci, Jamie E. Padgett, Danielle D. King, and Teddi Yoo

What Improves Evacuations: Exploring the Hurricane-Forecast-Evacuation System Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Framework
Austin Harris, Rebecca Morss, and Paul Roebber

The Warning Lexicon: A Multiphased Study to Identify, Design, and Develop Content for Warning Messages
Jeannette Sutton, Michele K. Olson, and Nicholas A. Waugh

Earthquake Early Warning Riskwork: ShakeAlert’s Operation with Institutionalized Uncertainties
Elizabeth Reddy, Julianna Valenzuela, Nicholas Yavorsky, Nina Guizzetti, and Cecilia Schroeder

Systemic Vulnerabilities in Hispanic and Latinx Immigrant Communities Led to the Reliance on an Informal Warning System in the December 10–11, 2021, Tornado Outbreak
Joseph E. Trujillo-Falcón, América R. Gaviria Pabón, Justin Reedy, and Kimberly E. Klockow-McClain

Information Dissemination, Diffusion, and Response during Hurricane Harvey: Analysis of Evolving Forecast and Warning Imagery Posted Online
Rebecca E. Morss, Robert Prestley, Melissa Bica, and Julie L. Demuth