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Natural Hazards Center News

Grab your popcorn and settle in for a quick overview of the Minority SURGE program with this award-winning video.

The FEMA Higher Education Program will be featuring the 2018 Natural Hazards Workshop in an interactive webinar meant to recap and further the discussions started there.

The first cohort of the SURGE program uses a service learning approach to learn about the impacts of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on the Virgin Islands.

Find collaborators and keep on top of emerging disaster research with our interactive map.

The Natural Hazards Center is so pleased to host Dr. Brian Tucker, 2002 recipient of the MacArthur “Genius Award” and president and founder of GeoHazards International.

There's left than a week left to submit your solutions to the Twenty Questions that will guide our Workshop program!

The NSF-supported project will help researchers carry out coordinated, scientifically rigorous rapid reconnaissance research.

Learn more about our programs for attending the Workshop.

The Natural Hazards Center bids a fond farewell to our departing Associate Director as she embarks for new opportunities.