Natural Hazards Center News

It's been an especially busy year for disasters, and so the Center's National Science Foundation-Funded Quick Response Grant Program has been busy, as well.

Natural Hazards staff will contribute to the second in a series of Bill Anderson Fund webinars.

Welton-Mitchell is focus on various gender-based violence, mental health, natural hazards, and forced migration-related research projects and initiatives in Malaysia.

Villarreal will attend the Bill Anderson Fund Fall Workshop in November.

The two-year, $300,000 award will fund the Scholars from Under-Represented Groups in Engineering and Social Sciences: SURGE Capacity in Disasters pilot program.

NHC Graduate Research Assistant Jamie Vickery successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on homelessness during the 2013 Colorado floods.

The Natural Hazards Center says goodbye to visiting scholar Sissel Jore, who will return home after three months as a visiting scholar.

The voices of young climate activists can be heard in "Rise Up," a radio story created by Natural Hazards Center Graduate Research Associate Simone Domingue.

The Natural Hazards Center congratulates Allison Madera on receiving her master's degree.