Watch the recording of Cannon's lecture, where he examines if research on risk reduction does enough to account for the disasters we create.
Natural Hazards Center News

In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the scholarship, 10 leaders in hazards and disasters research and practice share the impacts winning the award had on their careers.

Learn more about Engelman’s scholarship and achievements in the area of disasters and disabilities.

Save the date for the next Making Mitigation Work webinar to learn more about Colorado's Planning for Hazards tools, website and guide.

View the schedule, register for the Workshop and Researchers Meeting, and learn more about the great trainings, special events, and other opportunities at this year’s virtual Workshop.

Read about the latest Research Counts Special Collection in this introduction to the series focused on international perspectives at every stage of disaster management.

Natural Hazards Center Graduate Research Assistant Melissa Villarreal received the Betsy Moen “Walk the Talk” Award recognizing feminist social justice-oriented research and service.

The eleventh training module in the CONVERGE series: Positionality in Hazards and Disaster Research and Practice, is now available. This educational tool discusses the various ways that positionality has been defined, understood, and considered among those working in disaster settings.

Eleven projects were funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 8 and the National Science Foundation to expand the understanding of the recent disasters in the region and produce actionable guidance for emergency managers.