
Research Counts was established in 2017 with the intent to share rigorous and actionable research findings with policy makers, practitioners, and others who work to reduce the harm and suffering from disasters. In 2023, the Natural Hazards Center team had the opportunity to collaborate with many talented researchers and writers in producing this Special Collection on The Disaster Cycle.

We would like to thank Shih-Kai (Sky) Huang and Tristan Wu who are the former co-editors of the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (IJMED). They originally edited and helped to identify the scholarly papers that serve as the foundation for the pieces in this collection. Their commitment to advancing the field of hazards and disaster research through supporting authors is deeply admirable, and working with them to envision this collection was a true joy.

We acknowledge science writers Laurie J. Schmidt and Zach Zorich for their editorial expertise. They took lengthy original research articles and condensed the key ideas into short, digestible articles. It is not easy to reduce complex research in this way, but they did it. We hope that readers will find these brief contributions meaningful and that the findings can be moved into action.

Jeffrey Gunderson, who is the web and data manager for the Natural Hazards Center, played a significant role in developing and publishing the online version of the special collection. It is available at: We acknowledge his mighty contributions and those of the other staff and students at the Center who proofread and helped promote the articles in this collection.

Finally, we appreciate you reading this Special Collection on The Disaster Cycle.

Thank you for taking this research and making it count.

Special Collection Suggested Citation: Zorich, Zach, Laurie J. Schmidt, Lori Peek, Heather Champeau, Jennifer Tobin, Shih-Kai Huang, Tristan Wu, and Sudha Arlikatti, eds. (2023). Research Counts, Volume 5, Special Collection on The Disaster Cycle. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

If you have questions about Research Counts, please contact us at

This Research Counts special collection on The Disaster Cycle was made possible through the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.