Call 4 Report Submission Guidelines
These report guidelines are intended for awardees of Call 4: Community-Based Research on Public Health and Equity.
Call 4 Awardees will submit a 20-page (5,000 word) report that will be published on the Natural Hazards Center Public Health Reports webpage. Your report should concisely summarize your research and include an abstract, introduction, literature review, research design, results or findings, discussion, and conclusion.
Report Due Date
The reports are due no later than April 5, 2024. This is a hard deadline, so please plan accordingly. Submit your report as a Word document (with photos submitted as separate JPG or PNG files) to the Natural Hazards Center at Please do not submit your report before reading the following submission guidelines.
Style Guide
Before you start writing, please review our Natural Hazards Center Publication Style Guide. The style guide answers frequently asked questions about our writing style and how to format headings, tables, figures, block quotes, appendices, and more. Reports that do not follow the style guide will be returned to the author for further revision.
Download the Report Template below and save it as a Word document. The template has pre-formatted headings and instructions that will help you create your report. Scroll to the end of the document for a checklist of all our style requirements. Please review this checklist prior to submitting your final report to ensure it complies with our guidelines.
Project Photos and Other Multimedia
We strongly encourage you to submit photos, images, videos, or other multimedia depicting your research. Such items will help illustrate the value of your research while also making your online report more visually appealing. If your photos or videos include identifiable images of project participants, you must obtain their permission to share their image online.
For guidance on taking photos, please read this list of tips on Photography Basics for Researchers from the CONVERGE Extreme Events Research Check Sheets. You may submit up to 10 photos or images depicting your project site or activities. Due to space limitations, we may not be able to include all submissions. All photos or images should be attached as separate image files, such as JPG or PNG, and not embedded in the Word document.
If you would like to incorporate other types of multimedia in your report, please review the CONVERGE check sheets on Multimedia for Researchers: Techniques and Ethics and Videography Basics for Researchers. Please contact for information on how to submit multimedia items.
Peer Review Process and Final Submission
If your report adheres to the guidelines, it will then enter the peer review and copyediting processes. The list below describes the steps in this process and important dates.
- Peer Review. Two reviewers will read your report and provide you with detailed written comments and recommendations by April 30, 2024.
- Revised Report. You will be asked to revise your report in response to reviewer comments and submit a revised version by May 24, 2024.
- Copyediting. The Natural Hazards Center staff will copyedit the revised draft and provide additional comments and revisions by June 14, 2024.
- Final Report. You will review the copyedited report, approve and make requested changes, and submit a final draft by June 28, 2024.
- Publication. The Natural Hazards Center staff will then work to publish your report online with any photos, images, or multimedia items that are included in your submission. It will be published on our website by August 1, 2024.
Author Bios
Prior to submitting your final report, please make sure all authors submit a biography, photo, and current email address using this online form.
If you have any questions, please contact the Natural Hazards Center team at
The Public Health Disaster Research Award Program is based on work supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through supplemental funding to the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CDC, NSF, or Natural Hazards Center.