Call for Applications
The Enabling Program is accepting applications through this online portal between September 4 and October 18, 2019. The portal will close at 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on October 18, and partially complete or late applications will not be accepted under any circumstance.
A total of 20 fellows will be selected. The fellows will form a community of scholars who will support each other and who will be advised and mentored by 10 leading hazards and disasters scholars as well as by the principal investigators and program advisors. The fellowship includes:
- Two required in-person workshops for the cohort of fellows and mentors, one in Puerto Rico (June 16-20, 2020) and one in Boulder, Colorado (July 9-11, 2021), all expenses paid.
- All expenses paid to attend the 46th annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, July 11-14, 2021 (required).
- 13 months of access to a faculty mentor who will provide professional guidance, including one face-to-face visit at their home institution.
- A modest stipend of $1,250.
- A focus on the development of research proposals for funding by federal, state, and private entities, with an emphasis on NSF awards and NSF CAREER proposals in particular.
- Learning opportunities in the hazards/disasters/risk field including access to free webinars and other research and applications resources.
- Guidance on publishing research in highly regarded disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals both within and outside the hazards and disaster field.
- Insight into how to make key contributions to the broader hazards/disasters/risk field, while retaining a strong identity and academic home in one’s respective discipline.
Contact Dr. Tom Cova at the University of Utah if you have any questions: