Natural Hazards Center News

The plight of Houston-area hospitals in Hurricane Harvey provide valuable insights for at-risk healthcare systems. Learn more about recent research from former Natural Hazards Center team member Emma Hines.

Learn more about the community-centered service-learning activities SURGE scholars have been engaged with since the U.S. Virgin Islands was struck by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.

Learn more about the new series of training modules created to help researchers quickly background themselves on conducting extreme event research.

Take a look at photos, closing comments, graphic recordings, and other items of interest from this year’s convergence-themed Workshop.

Access any of these short, research-driven articles online and as a downloadable PDF.

Save the date for the next Making Mitigation Work webinar and learn why it’s difficult to institute better building codes—even when we want to.

Learn more about this new small grant program focused on enhancing mitigation research.

Learn how two undergraduate research assistants at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez are promoting landslide education and outreach across Puerto Rico.

Learn more about how to move mitigation to action with the tools, advice, and perspectives showcased in this new series.

A school's capacity to provide continuous education after disaster is imperative to student welfare. One school in Lyons, Colorado, provides an example of how to facilitate recovery.