Natural Hazards Center News

New CONVERGE Training Module on Indigenous Sovereignty in Disasters is now available!

Learn more about the multiple funding opportunities currently available through the Natural Hazards Center Research Awards Program.

New research from the Natural Hazards Center will guide Colorado policymakers in understanding the state’s current alerting landscape and how to strengthen alert delivery for non-English speakers and people with disabilities.

Una nueva incestigación del Centro de Riesgos Naturales (Natural Hazards Center) guiará a los responsables políticos de Colorado en la comprensión del escenario actual de alertas del estado y cómo fortalecer la distribución de alertas para las personas que no hablan inglés y con discapacidades.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell recently visited the Natural Hazards Center to discuss how behavioral science and other research can elevate the nation’s disaster resilience.

Learn more about these proposals funded to increase public health solutions to hazards in vulnerable communities.

Learn more about the CONVERGE Training Modules for conducting disaster research and how they fit into other forms of technology transfer offered by the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure.

Learn how to contribute your ideas for sessions, trainings, roundtables, and other Workshop events.

Learn more about our latest research award, which will fund proposals up to $10,000 each to study important aspects of disaster mitigation.

Learn more about this special call for Quick Response Research Award proposals exploring health outcomes for populations disproportionately affected by climate-related disasters.