Research Counts

By Robin Dillon-Merrill

Learn how coming close to experiencing disasters can make people more likely—or not—to prepare for the next event.

By Jackie Ratner, Shay Bahramirad, Aleksi Paaso, and Jeffrey Schlegelmilch

A power outage alone can be a disaster and even more so when they accompany larger events such as floods or a heatwave. Microgrids could be the answer to ensuring that communities have access reliable electricity in times of emergency.

By Laura Olson and Ryan Alaniz

Drought response in the United States needs to change now or we may not be able to respond to future challenges. The lessons of California could prove as a bellwether for the nation. Learn more in the latest addition to Research Counts.

By Alessandra Jerolleman

Disaster recovery is never easy, but for vulnerable people and communities, built-in injustices can create recovery next to impossible. Learn how applying four principles can make disaster recovery more just.

By Jeffrey Schlegelmilch and Jonathan Sury

When it comes to building children's resilience to disaster, communities know what their kid's need best. Learn more about how to make community voices heard on a national level.

By Paola Minoia and Johanna Hohenthal

Water scarcity is the result of numerous factors, and so the solutions that drive change will need to be multi-faceted as well.

By Maggie Mort and Alison Lloyd Williams

Disaster planning can be all fun and games! When it comes to involving children and youth, methods including playful elements such as theater, photography, and games can help build connection.

By The ResiliencebyDesign Research Innovation Lab (RbD)

Youth engagement in social, economic, and environmental spheres can increase resilience for communities overall. The 4P Framework for Youth Engagement provides guidance to ensure that the considerable talents of young people are applied to the best advantage.

By Betty Pfefferbaum

Although children can be especially vulnerable in disasters, they are also amazingly resilient by nature. Including youth in disaster preparedness and recover recovery doesn’t just improve community resilience—it’s also a beneficial exercise that can empower our youth and help them grow.

If you are interested in contributing to this series, please contact Natural Hazards Center Director Lori Peek directly at


Research Counts is made possible with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593) and supplemental support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-National Integrated Drought Information System (NOAA-NIDIS). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF, FEMA, NOAA-NIDIS, or Natural Hazards Center.