Research and Practice Highlights Index
Bishop, Johanna
Acceptance of Tolerable Risk: How Are Industry Disasters Providing Lessons Learned in Nuclear Training?
Campbell, Nnenia
Trial by Flood: Experiences of Older Adults in Disaster
Claver, Maria, Tamar Wyte-Lake, Aram Dobalian, and June L. Gin
Evaluation of a Disaster Preparedness Toolkit for Homebound Veterans
Clifford, Megan and Charles Macal
Argonne National Laboratory's Resilient Infrastructure Initiative
Crow, Deserai and Elizabeth Albright
Policy Learning During Recovery: An Analysis of Recovery from Colorado's 2013 Floods
Drakes, Oronde
Inclusive Vulnerability Assessment
Enarson, Elaine
Disaster Quilts and Quilters
Hackerott, Caroline
Quantification of Disaster-Induced Social Disruption
Hayashi, Haruo and Keiko Tamura
International Coordination to Improve Response and Resilience to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Events
Jacobs, Jennifer, Jo Daniel, Cameron Wake, Jack Kartez, Ellen Douglas, Katharine Hayhoe, Lee Friess, Anne Stoner, Linda Silka, and Paul Kirshen
The Infrastructure and Climate Network (ICNet) Linking Climate Science to Civil Engineering Research, Education, and Practice Needs
Jensen, Steven J. and Shirley Feldmann-Jensen
Implications for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in an Emerging Globalized System
Kartez, Jack, Sam Merrill, Catherine Reynolds, Frank Muller-Karger, Karen Langbehn, and Jonathan Lockman
Stakeholder Values & Preferences in Climate Adaptation Planning: Insights From the METROPOLE Coastal Vulnerability Research Initiative
Kendra, James and Tricia Wachtendorf
American Dunkirk: The Waterborne Evacuation of Manhattan on 9/11
Kim, KyungWoo
Dynamics of Intergovernmental Communication Network during the 2015 MERS Response in South Korea
Kirsch, Katie, Bonnie Feldt, David Zane, Tracy Haywood, Russell Jones, and Jennifer A. Horney
Longitudinal Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response to Wildfire, Bastrop County, Texas
Kumar, Ashok, Bhanu Pratap Chamoli, Ajay Gairola, Ravi Jakka, Bhawesh Pandey, Pankaj Kumar, and Govind Rathore
Earthquake Early Warning System for Northern India
Newman, Galen
Strategies for Landscape Integration for Surge Protection Infrastructure
Norton, Rachel
Defining Resilience: An Ethnographic Study of Hispanic Women Working in the Resort Service Industry in Leadville, Colorado
Ritchie, Liesel, Nnenia Campbell, and Jamie Vickery
Community Impacts and Risk Perceptions of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Ritchie, Liesel, Duane Gill, and Michael Long
Mitigating Litigating: RAPID Project to Study Social and Psychological Impacts of the 2012 BP Claims Settlement
Ritchie, Liesel, Nnenia Campbell, and Jani Little
Effects of Technological Disasters on Dimensions of Social Capital: A Longitudinal Study of the 2008 TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Ash Release
Ritchie, Liesel, Nnenia Campbell, and Jamie Vickery
Evaluation Research to Examine the Effectiveness of the Tsunami Awareness Short Video: “The First Sue Nami”
Rose, Adam, Kathleen Tierney, Noah Dormady, Liesel Ritchie, Charles Huyck, and Allison Madera
An Integrated Approach to Measuring Dynamic Economic Resilience Following Disasters
Ryder, Stacia
A Bridge to Liberation: Intersectionality, Environmental Justice, and Disaster Vulnerability
Safran, Elizabeth, Bryan Sebok, and Erik Nilsen
Next Generation Earthquake Messaging Strategies
Schumann, Ronald
Disaster Perceptions Examined in Two Studies: Tornado Risk Perception and Long-Term Recovery Perception
Shen, Guoqiang and Seong Nam Hwang
Revealing Global Hot-spots of Technological Disasters
Thomas, Jane
Development, Culture, Disaster, Conflict: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir/Pakistan
Tierney, Kathleen, Liesel Ritchie, Carolyn Kousky, and Simone Domingue
Project to Develop Approaches for Assessing the Return on Investment of FEMA’s Whole Community Approach
Torres, Jose
Detecting a Subsurface Smoldering Event with Landsat Thermal Imaging: Bridgeton Landfill Case Study
Vickery, Jamie
“Every Day is a Disaster”: Pre-Disaster Homelessness and the 2013 Colorado Floods
Wibbenmeyer, Matthew, Sarah Anderson, and Andrew Plantinga
Salience of Wildfire Risk and the Management of Public Land
Yu, Insang, Hayong Kim, and Sangman Jeong
Assessment of Disaster Risk as Reflected in Flood, Wind and Snow Damage