Poster Session Abstracts Index

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Abuabara, Alexander, Walter Gillis Peacock, David Bierling, and Michael Lindell
A Statistical Analysis of Household Evacuation in Response to Hurricane Harvey

Abukhalaf, Amer Hamad Issa and Jason Von Meding
Psycholinguistics and Emergency Communication: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

Adams, Rachel, Jolie Breeden, Jennifer Tobin, Lori Peek, Sara McBride, and Robert de Groot
Integrating ShakeAlert into K-12 Schools: A Mixed Methods Earthquake Early Warning Study

Álvarez Gandía, Yahaira, Raquel Lugo Bendezú, Jocelyn West, Lindsay Davis, K. Stephen Hughes, Jonathan Godt, and Lori Peek
Collaborative Risk Communication for Landslide Hazards in Puerto Rico

Andresen, Adam, Liza Kurtz, Paul Chakalian, and David Hondula
Understanding Household Experiences During Power Outages in the United States

Angel Rodriguez, Tomas, Kurtis Gurley, and Mariel Ojeda-Tuz
Finding if Equivalent Wind Turbulence Profiles From Different Terrains is Possible

Arvizu, Julia, Ahmed Hussein, and Patricia Clayton
Code Development to Process Axially Loaded Flowline Test Data

Aryal, Komal, Yi-Chung Liu, and Robyn Miller
Strengthening Community Resilience in Rural Nepal through Multi-Organizational Collaboration

Aubé, Samantha S., Barbora Hoskova, Alexa Riobueno-Naylor, Courtney A. Colgan, Belle Liang, and Betty S. Lai
The Impact of COVID-19 on U.S. College Student and Faculty Mental Health

Banford Witting, Alyssa
Longitudinal Anxiety in Couples During a Global Pandemic

Baumann, Louise
Protection and Inclusion? A Feminist Approach to Disaster Laws and Policies

Blanks, Jennifer, Alexander Abuabara, Andrea Roberts, and Joy Semien
Patterns of Disproportionate Multi-Hazard Risk Vulnerability in Louisiana's Historic African American Cemeteries

Boyle, Cassidy, H. Tristan Wu, Alex Greer, Haley Murphy, and Lauran Clay
Individual Emotional Responses During a Dual Threat of Hurricane and Pandemic

Braswell, Anna, Stefan Leyk, Dylan Connor, and Johannes Uhl
Settlement of Sea-Level Rise Zones: Understanding Hurricane Exposure Through Historical Development

Breen, Kyle, Carlee Purdum, Michelle Meyer, Jackson Pierce, Romel Fernandez, Nathan Young, and Noah Balbon
Cajun Navies, Volunteers, and Crowdsourcing: Social Media Use in Civilian Disaster Response

Champeau, Heather, Jessica Austin, and Lori Peek
What Disasters Do Social Scientists Study? Social Science Extreme Events Research Network

Chase, Robert, Alejandro Calderon, Kishor Jaiswal, Catalina Yepes-Estrada, Robin Gee, Marco Pagani, Vitor Silva, Loren Goddard, Kendra Johnson, Kristin Marano, and David Wald
Consequence-Based Seismic Scenarios for Quito, Ecuador

Chen, Thomas
High-Resolution Earth Observation Data for a Deep-Learning Approach to Disaster Management

Collins, Jennifer, Amy Polen, Elizabeth Dunn, Michelle Lackovic, Isabelle Jernigan, Killian McSweeney, and Mark Welford
Hurricane Evacuations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Hurricanes Laura and Sally

Cox, Zachary, Tricia Wachtendorf, Jennifer Trivedi, and Lisa Reshaur
Business Continuity as Intrapreneurship

Dumler, Meredith, Ram Mazumder, Amin Enderami, and Elaina Sutley
Testbeds: A State of the Art Review and Expert Survey

English, Elizabeth
Amphibious Architecture: An Innovative Low-Impact Flood Resilience and Climate Adaptation Strategy

Evans, Candace, Rachel Adams, and Lori Peek
CONVERGE Training Modules: Educational Tools for Hazards and Disaster Researchers and Practitioners

Fidan, Emine, Natalie Nelson, and Josh Gray
Modeling Flood Surge and Retreat with Machine Learning and Planet Labs Imagery

Freeman, Carol, Nicole Nunnari, Lesley Edgemon, and Karen Marsh
New Federal Emergency Management Agency Resources for Effective Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place

Fujimoto, Shinya, Takumi Sugahara, Yasuhiro Mitani, and Shigeo Tatsuki
Impact Evaluation of Interactive Risk Communication Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Literacy

Gampell, Anthony
Disaster Video Game-Based Learning and Pedagogy to Enhance Video Game Learning Opportunities

Garrison, M. E. Betsy and Charleen McNeill
The Relationship Between Emergency Preparedness Levels and Family Resilience in College Students

Grady, Cassidy, Paul Santi, Gabriel Walton, Percy Colque, and Pablo Meza
Verification Techniques of Geoenvironmental Hazard Mapping in the Arequipa Region of Peru

Greene, Dana, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Shawna Bendeck, Marcilyn Cianfarani, Shruthi Dakey, Christine Gibb, Danielle Denardo, Simone Goertz, Rachael Hernandez, and Priya Ranganath
Re-Defining Family During Covid-19: Ongoing Research

Halkia, Georgia and Lisa Grant Ludwig
Household Earthquake Preparedness in Oklahoma: A Mixed Methods Study of Selected Municipalities

Henkel, Claire, Olivia Vilá, Samiksha Bhattarai, Samata Gyawali, Brian Vaughn, and Gavin Smith
Innovative Buyout Practices: A Survey of Past Programs to Inform the Future

Herovic, Emina, Katherine Johnson, and Emily Walpole
Hurricane Maria Emergency Communication Challenges: A Progress Update of NIST’s Technical Investigation

Hirsch, Ben, Becky Selle, Doris Brown, Mal Moses, Alice Liu, Mashal Awais, Myrtala Tristan, Ann Weston, Hortencia Hurtado, Vatsala Mundra, and Melissa Villarreal
Survivors as Experts: A Community Evaluation of Disaster Recovery in Northeast Houston

Houlton, Heather, Danielle Sumy, and Joyce Smith
Unearth Your Future: Geoscience Careers Using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by Design

Idziorek, Katherine and Elizabeth Maly
Localization of Community-Based Organizations: Seattle Emergency Hubs and Sendai Bosai Leaders

Jaiswal, Manpreet, Shih-Kai Huang, Jane Kushma, Alessandra Jerolleman, Carla Prater, Yue Ge, and Michael Lindell
Determinants of Residents’ Shadow Evacuation Intention in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Jeong, Sangman and Tae Sung Cheong
Development of a Measured Data Based Nomograph for Flood Warning System

Joe, Martin
Education of Emotions of LEGO Disaster Contexts

Karaye, Ibraheem
Temporal Trends in Unintentional Injury Mortality in the United States: Racial/Ethnic Disparities

Kim, Younhee
Information Needs for Intellectual Disabilities in Missing or Crisis Situations in Korea

Kuru, Omur Damla, Nazife Emel Ganapati, and Mathew Marr
Relocation in the Face of Rising Seas: The Florida Keys Post-Hurricane Irma

Kwok, Richard, Betsy Galluzzo, Steven Ramsey, Kimberly Thigpen Tart, April Bennett, Dylan Scott, Audrey Kessell, Dylan Williams, Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, and Aubrey Miller
The NIEHS Disaster Research Response Program: Facilitating Timely Health Research

Lanza, Adriana, Tyler McCormack, and Julia Hopkins
Measuring Vortical Motion in Breaking Waves With Field-Based Particle Image Velocimetry

Laurent, Kushnerniva, Lori Peek, Heather Champeau, and Jessica Austin
Learning From Hurricane Harvey: Analyzing Contributions from the SSEER Network

Lee, Jessica and Shannon Van Zandt
Inequity in Stormwater Infrastructure Performance in Houston: A Multilevel Analysis

Leiva, Amanda, Robert Soden, Steph Bannister, and Scott Miles
Human-Centered Design for Hurricane Risk Communication

LeNoble, Chelsea
Live Long and Prosper: A Social Science Fiction Analysis of Team Resilience

Li, Yan, Jiuchang Wei, Shih-Kai Huang, and Thomas Brindle
The Use of Anthropomorphic Animation in Communicating COVID-19 Risk

Lin, Yolanda, Sabine Loos, and Arogya Koirala
DAT/Artathon: A Workshop at the Intersection of Risk, Resilience, Data, and Art

Liu, Yi-Chung, Huei-Ru Hsieh, and Sheu-Yien Liu
Earthquake Risk Assessment and Impact Simulation to Long-Term Care Institutions in Taiwan

Lownsbery, Douglas and Larry Flick
Examining Middle School Students' Knowledge and Beliefs of Earthquake and Tsunami

Manandhar, Rejina, Ekong Peters, and Bethany Swindell
Risk Communication During the 2019 Arkansas River Floods

Matsukawa, Anna, Seiko Takaoka, Naoko Kisaku, Kyoko Ariyoshi, Masayuki Shibano, and Shunsuke Sasaki
Issues and Solutions for Evacuation Shelter Management in Japan

McElroy, Kyle, Austin Becker, Issac Ginis, Pam Rubinoff, Chris Damon, Noah Hallisey, and Samuel Adams
Rhode Island Coastal Hazard, Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction System

Mebi, Charles, Rejina Manandhar, and Ekong Peters
An Analysis of Hazardous Materials Transportation Incidents in Arkansas

Merken, Stacie and J. Carlee Purdum
What About Us? PPE Inequality Among State Prison Populations During COVID-19

Meselhe, Amina, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Lori Peek, Heather Champeau, and Jessica Austin
Design-Level Events and Residential Construction Performance: Hurricane Laura Case Study

Meyer, Michelle, J. Carlee Purdum, Mason Alexander-Hawk, Joy Semien, Haley Yelle, Kenneth Taylor, Damian Morales, Jordan Vick, Saul Romero, Asad Abbas, and Adrian Rodriguez
Resilience in Recovery: Understanding Long-Term Recovery Group Coordination of Unmet Needs

Mumtarin, Maroa and Samiul Hasan
Network Communication Among Agencies During Disaster Period

Nicolás Osorio, Anel Yaneli, María Alejandra Sánchez Bandala, Omar Ávila Flores, Gabriela Narcizo de Lima, and Roberto Ariel Abeldaño Zúñiga
Disaster Risks in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico

Packenham, Joan, Aubrey Miller, and Steven Ramsey
Institutional Review Board Preparedness for Disaster Research: A Practical Approach

Peek, Lori, Jessica Austin, and Heather Champeau
Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Annual Census

Petersen, Amelia
Local Floodplain Management Programs: A Paradigm Shift

Peterson, Leonard, Shih-Kai Huang, Yingying Sun, Sudha Arlikatti, and Michael Lindell
Should We Wear a Mask? Household Assessment of Mask Wearing Against COVID-19

Polen, Amy, Jennifer Collins, Elizabeth Dunn, Leslie Maas, Erik Ackerson, Janis Valmond, Ernesto Morales, and Delián Colón-Burgos
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hurricane Evacuations in the PRVI Region

Porter, Keith, Charles Scawthorn, and Dan Sandink
A Benefit/Cost Analysis of the Canadian National Guide for Wildland-Urban Interface Fires

Pudlo, Jason
Learning During Crisis: A Natural Experiment of Organizational Practices During a Pandemic

Purdum, J. Carlee
Stop Cooking People! Extreme Heat Without Universal Air Conditioning in Texas Prisons

Rahman, Mohammad Mahbubur and Mizanur Rahman Bijoy
Impact and Management Strategies for Hailstorm Associated Loss and Damage in Bangladesh

Ramirez-Rios, Diana and José Holguín-Veras
Facility Location and Districting for Distribution of Critical Relief in Post-Disaster Environments

Riley, Sequoia
Assessing Barriers to Green Infrastructure for Flood Mitigation

Rowan, Sebastian, Elissa Yeates, and Emily Wells
Quantifying the Health Impacts of Floods–A Systematic Literature Review

Safayet, Mastura, John Casellas Connors, Nathanael Rosenheim, and Maria Watson
Road Network Disruption and Access to Food Pantries in Southeast Texas

Salil Nair, Adithya, Aakash Satish, Sang-ri Yi, and Pedro Arduino
Uncertainty Analysis of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Using QuoFEM

Savitt, Amanda, Logan Gerber-Chavez, Samantha Montano, and Tanya Corbin
Emergency Management Pandemic Planning: An Analysis of State Emergency Plans

Scales, Sarah Elizabeth, Elizabeth Patrick, Kahler W. Stone, Kristina W. Kintziger, Meredith A. Jagger, and Jennifer A. Horney
Impacts of the COVID-19 Response on the Public Health Workforce

Scales, Sarah Elizabeth, Roxanna Fouladi, and Jennifer A. Horney
Use of Incident Command Structure Among Public Health Agencies Responding to COVID-19

Schwarz, Benjamin and Olivia Vilà
Hurricane and COVID-19 Resilience in Wilmington, North Carolina

Sharan, Aditi
Queering Disasters: Exploring the Experiences of the Hijra Community in India

Sharpe, Caroline, Helen Mohr, Wesley Bentley, and Adam Coates
Universities Play a Key Role in the Recruitment of Future Wildland Firefighters

Sheach, Christopher
Comparing Organizational Commitment and Leadership Perspectives in Volunteer and Paid Firefighters

Soden, Robert, Pradnaya Pathak, and Olivia Doggett
What We Speculate About When We Speculate About Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction

Sorensen, Claire, Ajay Harish, and Matt Schoettler
Coupling Process-Based and Neural Network-Based Models for Studying Coastal Hazards

Stanley, Michelle, Nathanael Rosenheim, Michelle Meyer, Therese McAllister, Hussam Mahmoud, Maria Dillard, Anita Pena, Walter Gillis Peacock, and Jarrod Loerzel
Social Institution Resilience Theory: Implications for Community Resilience Planning Models

Tanaka, Koji and Kensuke Takenouchi
Effect of Events Considering the Daily Life for Unconscious Disaster Prevention Action

Teh, Krishna, Reihaneh Hosseini, and Patricia Clayton
Examining the Effect of Porosity on the Soil Water Retention Curve

Thai, Hang
Branding Disaster Intervention in Non-Governmental Organization: The Iconography of Children

Uhl, Johannes, Stefan Leyk, Anna Braswell, Dylan Connor, and Caitlin McShane
Understanding Spatial Patterns of the Built Environment Using Multiple Perspectives

Velazquez, Jose, Ivis Garcia, Divya Chandrasekhar, Emel Ganapati, Kevin Fagundo Ojeda, and Pablo Rivera Miranda
Non-Profit Response to Concurrent Disaster Events​

Villarreal, Melissa
Long-Term Recovery Among Mexican Immigrants: How Service Providers Navigate Anti-Immigrant Recovery Policies

Waggle, Tyler
Merging Applied Streetview and LiDAR: A Usable Data Product for Future Analysis

Wang, Qiong, Tiffany Cousins, Taylor Lightner, Margaret Cowell, and Jennifer Irish
Not Everyone Can Social Distance

Wang, Yao
How to Implement Managed Retreat? Analysis of Ex Ante Managed Retreat Cases

Watson, Maria and Siyu Yu
The Effect of Federal Recovery Funds on Mitigation Behavior

Wolfe, Rachel
It Seems Like It’s Never Going to End: Living in Damaged Dwellings

Zakka, William, Adam Zsarnoczay, and Pedro Arduino
High-Resolution Near-Surface Soil Model Developed for Site Response Analysis in Alameda, California

Zerbe, Kevin, Chris Polit, Stacey McClain, and Tim Cook
Spatial Statistical Analyses Reveal Spatiotemporal Changes in Washington’s Wildfire Risk Since 1970

Zhang, Shuyang, Zhe Zhang, Ruihong Huang, and Pei Chen
A Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Resilience in Houston Coastal Communities