Continuing Education Credits


The Natural Hazards is pleased to offer preapproved education credits for Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM) and Certified or Associate Emergency Managers (CEM/AEM).

Certified Floodplain Manager Education Credits

Workshop attendance will count as 12 pre-approved continuing education credits under the Association of State Floodplain Managers Certified Floodplain Manager Program. Time logged on our virtual platform will be verified for each participant after a request for continuing education has been made (see instructions below) and we will award credits base on criteria required by ASFPM.

Certified or Associate Emergency Manager Contact Hours

Full Workshop attendance will count toward 22.5 pre-approved contact hours for the Certified or Associate Emergency Manager contact hours under the International Association of Emergency Managers Certification Program. Time logged on our virtual platform will be verified for each participant after a request for continuing education has been made (see instructions below) and we will award credits base on criteria required by IAEM.

Continuing education can be used for certification renewal by these organizations. Those aspiring to attain their AEM or CEM status can also use the contact hours to count towards their initial qualification.

How to Request your Certificate for Continuing Education

To request your certificate for continuing education credits, please email Katie Murphy at and request either CFM or IAEM credits in your email. These requests will be verified, as explained above, and sent out in the weeks following the Workshop.

For questions about continuing education credits at the Workshop, please contact the Natural Hazards Center