Special Call for Research: Hurricane Michael

The Natural Hazards Center—in partnership with the National Science Foundation—funded research teams to study Hurricane Michael. These proposals were awarded as part of a special call for Quick Response Research. The following is a list of final reports that were published as part of this call.

QR297 | Relationships Between Affiliated and Unaffiliated Disaster Response Volunteers: Challenges and Opportunities (2020)
Darien Alexander Williams

QR295 | Significance of Secondary Infrastructure for Shelter Management in the Aftermath of Hurricane Michael (2019)
Juyeong Choi, Fehintola Sanusi, Mehmet Baran Ulak, Eren Erman Ozguven, and Tarek Abichou

QR294 | Individual Responses to Severe Weather Media Messages (2019)
Cory L. Armstrong

QR293 | Stakeholder Values in Hurricane Michael: Understanding How Value Dynamics Contribute to Collaborative Decision Making in Disasters (2019)
Lu Zhang, Aishwarya Pathak, and Nazife Emel Ganapati


Please contact the Natural Hazards Center team at haz.research.awards@colorado.edu.

The Quick Response Research Award Program is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF or the Natural Hazards Center.