Invited Session: Using Social Media to Inform Disaster Reconnaissance
Thur. 3:15 to 4:45 p.m., Interlocken C
Concurrent Session 5-1
Social media has been used in disaster reconnaissance for over ten years. Engineers and scientists have harnessed social media to gain real-time information and situational awareness of in-situ conditions before entering the field. Given the context of disasters, certain areas of a community might be inaccessible. Social media data can supplement in-field findings by including hard-to-reach areas. This session consists of researchers from multiple disciplines that have utilized social media to inform data driven disaster reconnaissance.
Organizer and Moderator: Erica Fischer, Oregon State University
A Brief History of Social Media Data for Disaster Research
Jeannette Sutton, University of Kentucky
Using Social Media to Inform Post-Hazard In-Field Reconnaissance
Erica Fischer, Oregon State University
Manny Hakhamaneshi, California Department of Transportation
A Framework for Harnessing Citizen Scientists and Journalist Networks for Post-Disaster Reconnaissance
Patricia Clayton, University of Texas at Austin
Dhiraj Murthy, University of Texas at Austin
Gathering High Quality Information on Landslides from Twitter
Aibek Musaev, University of Alabama
Exploring the Social Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise Impact on Transportation Using Social Media Data and Community Mapping
Suwan Shen, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Yi Qiang, University of Hawaii at Manoa