Speakers and Presenters

Click on the names below to learn more about the our 2019 Natural Hazards Workshop Speakers and Presenters.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z

Olumide Abioye, Florida A&M University

Omar Abou-Samra, American Red Cross

Nicole Aimone, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Norma Anderson, The Bill Anderson Fund

David Applegate, U.S. Geological Survey

Lauren Alexander Augustine, The National Academies

Balakrishnan Balachandran, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Jeff Baranyi, Esri

Daniel Bass, Federal Emergency Management Agency

DeeDee Bennett Gayle, State University of New York at Albany

David Bennetts, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District

Karen Berchtold, City of Manitou Springs

Chad Berginnis, Association of State Floodplain Managers

Norman Bert, Texas Tech University

Lisa Blake, New York City Emergency Management

Allison Boyd, Multnomah County, Oregon

Devon Buckels, Greenway Foundation

Daniel Burger, The National Academies

Shannon Burke, American Planning Association

Michael Burns, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Leslie Chapman-Henderson, FLASH

Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, George Mason University

Tim Cockerill, University of Texas at Austin

Joyce Coffee, Climate Resilience Consulting

Leremy Colf, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Rita Colwell, University of Maryland

Christie Connolly, Union College

Tim Cook, Washington State Emergency Management

John Cooper, Texas A&M University

Alexis Cordova, Texas A&M University

Erin Coryell, Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

Dontá Council, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Caroline Cunningham, Stantec

Lindsay Davis, U.S. Geological Survey

Julie Dennis, OVID Solutions

Maria Dillard, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Robin Dillon-Merrill, Georgetown University

Paul Doherty, NAPSG Foundation

Shannon Dosemagen, Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science

Oronde Drakes, U.S. Geological Survey

Frannie Edwards, Mineta Transportation Institute

Esther Ellis, U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Health

Christopher Emrich, University of Central Florida

Diego Fernandez Otegui, Imara International Humanitarian Group

Lori Foley, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Tim Frankenberger, TANGO International

Carol Freeman, Argonne National Laboratory

Steven French, Georgia Institute of Technology

Suzanne Frew, The Frew Group

Edward Gabriel, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Melanie Gall, Arizona State University

Ivis García, Texas A&M University

April Geruso, Hagerty Consulting

Denise Gilliam, Hagerty Consulting

Angela Gladwell, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Jonathan Godt, U.S. Geological Survey

Natalie Grant, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Peter Gregory, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission

Sean Michael Griffin, Disaster Intelligence, Inc.

Michael Grimm, U.S. Geological Survey

Abby Hall, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Tobias Halvarson, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Sara Hamideh, Stony Brook University

Maiana Hanshaw, Center for Severe Weather Research

Laura Hanson, Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization

Jennifer Helgeson, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Marccus Hendricks, University of Maryland, College Park

Sarah Henly-Shepard, Mercy Corps

Eugene Henry, Hillsborough County, Florida

Jaimie Hicks Masterson, Texas A&M University

William Hooke, American Meteorological Society

Gloria Horning, Anthropocene Alliance

Des Hosie, Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Patrick Howell, Institute for Building Technology and Safety

Thomas Hughes, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

Lisa Marie Jackson, Emergency Management Victoria

Hannah-Beth Jackson, California State Senate

Fayola Jacobs, University of Minnesota

Andrew Jahier, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Nicholas Jayanty, IBM

Jessica Jensen, RAND Corporation

Alessandra Jerolleman, Loyola University

Dave Jones, StormCenter Communications

Georgina Jordan, FAST Consortium

Sissel Haugdal Jore, University of Stavanger

David Judi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Shefali Juneja Lakhina, Wonder Labs

Jim Kauahikaua, U.S. Geological Survey

Yoshiaki Kawata, Kansai University

Joshua Kelly, Delaware Emergency Management Agency

Nim Kidd, Texas Division of Emergency Management

Jeeyon Kim, Mercy Corps

Karl Kim, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Thomas Kirsch, National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health

Waverly Klaw, Sonoran Institute

Jamie Kruse, East Carolina University

Erica Kuligowski, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Edward Laatsch, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Emily Landis, The Nature Conservancy

Linda Langston, Langston Strategies Group

Adriana Lard, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Cory Lawson, Texas Tech University

Mary Leinhos, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Keri Lubell, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Kristin Ludwig, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

TJ Lyon, Florida State Fire Marshal Division

Karen MacClune, ISET-International

Annie Mack Vest, National Hazard Mitigation Association

Norio Maki, Kyoto University

Matthew Marchetti, CrowdSource Rescue

Valerie Marlowe, University of Delaware

Atyia Martin, Next Leadership Development

David Maurstad, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Keely Maxwell, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Darion Mayhorn, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Pepper McClenahan, Town of Milliken

Todd McMahon, History Colorado

Tony Mendes, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Aubrey Miller, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Anne Miller, Colorado Department of Local Affairs

Garret Milton, Texas Tech University

Judith Mitrani-Reiser, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Nancy Mock, Tulane University

Monica Mota, HORNE

Shingo Nagamatsu, Kansai University

David Nash, Z Zurich Foundation

Ali Nejat, Texas Tech University

Laura Olson, Jacksonville State University

Juan Ortiz, Austin Office of Homeland Security

Maggie Ortiz-Millan, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Sarah Pacheco, Earth Force

Raj Pandya, AGU Thriving Earth Exchange

Brittney Parker, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Juan Parras, t.e.j.a.s

Joy Pauschke, National Science Foundation

Alice Pennaz, U.S. Geological Survey

Sally Phillips, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Geoff Plumlee, U.S. Geological Survey

Keith Porter, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Roger Pulwarty, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Carlee Purdum, University of Houston

Julio Ramirez, Purdue University

Dave Ramsey, U.S. Geological Survey

Lydia McBee Reed, Texas Tech University

Antoine Richards, Jacksonville State University

Jay Roth, U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Health

Andrew Rumbach, Urban Institute

Mayumi Sakamoto, Nagoya University

Rebecca Scheurer, Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center

Jeffrey Schlegelmilch, Columbia University

Amy Helene Schnall, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Shaila Shahid, GenderCC Global Network for Climate Justice

Danielle Sharpe, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

William Siembieda, California Polytechnic State University

Larry Sigler, Waffle House, Inc.

Amanda Siok, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Gavin Smith, North Carolina State University

Adam Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Stetson Smith, Texas Tech University

Serena Sowers, Swiss Re

Tom Spangler, Save the Children

Eric Stern, State University of New York at Albany

Carl Stewart, University of Colorado Boulder

Anna Stull, U.S. Geological Survey

April Surprenant, County of Hawaii

Elaina Sutley, University of Kansas

Jeannette Sutton, State University of New York at Albany

Michael Szönyi, Zurich Insurance Company

Shigeo Tatsuki, Doshisha University

Charis Taylor, JESIP UK

Jill Techel, City of Napa

Dana Thomas, University of Michigan

Dale Thomure, Insurance Services Office

Joseph Trainor, University of Delaware

Emily Troisi, Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network

Robert Troy, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Renee Turchi, Drexel University

Natasha Udu-gama, AGU Thriving Earth Exchange

Shannon Van Zandt, Texas A&M University

Kanmani Vetekateswaran, ISET-International

Karina Vielma, University of Texas at San Antonio

Amanda Wallis, Umbrella Wellbeing Ltd

Wendy Walsh, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Jason Warzinik, Boone County Fire Protection District

Maria Watson, Texas A&M University

Steven Weatherbee, Texas Tech University

Scott Weaver, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Elizabeth Weight, National Integrated Drought Information System

Dennis Whalen, Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance

Darien Alexander Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jay Wilson, Clackamas County Disaster Management

Amy Wolkin, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scott Wollek, The National Academies

Brent Woodworth, Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation

Amy Zimmer, Colorado Department of Education