
The Natural Hazards Center team is so pleased to welcome attendees to Colorado for the 49th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. Thank you for the time, effort, and resources you have expended to join the diverse group of professionals who attend this meeting. It is our honor at the Natural Hazards Center to convene the Workshop, and we recognize that it is your active participation that helps make the meeting meaningful in so many ways. We offer much gratitude to each of you.

Special Thanks

Natural Hazards Center Advisory Committee

The Natural Hazards Center team receives regular guidance from our Advisory Committee members. Their wisdom, thoughtful advice, and ongoing support is gratefully acknowledged.

Additional Supporters

In planning this year’s Workshop and add-on meetings, the Natural Hazards Center team has benefitted tremendously from the generosity and assistance of many people and organizations. We would like to extend additional thanks to:

  • All those who submitted ideas for panels and presentations during the planning stage for the Workshop. The program is made possible due to the contributions of the members of this community.

  • The Department of Emergency, Disaster, and Global Security Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for contributing financially to the Monday morning coffee fund. Cheers!

  • Alece Birnbach of the Graphic Recording Studio for capturing live recordings at this year’s Workshop.

  • Chip Van Zandt of Van Zandt Visual for taking photos of the people and activities at this year’s Workshop.

  • The Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance at the University of Colorado Boulder for their support with sign language interpretation.

  • William Scherer, violinmaker and owner of Scherer Violin Shop, for supporting the Tempo—Using Music to Communicate Risk and Drive Climate Action plenary session.

  • Rodrigo Costa of the University of Waterloo and Alyssa Provencio of the University of Central Oklahoma who chaired the planning committee for the 2024 Researchers Meeting.

  • Brad Bartholemew, Erin Capps, Caroline Cunningham, Melanie Gall, Marianne Knoy, Grace Olenzak, and Yelena Martinez of the National Hazard Mitigation Association, who led the planning for the 2024 Practitioners Meeting.

  • The student volunteers who agreed to support Workshop operations.

  • The graduate student recorders who agreed to capture the key takeaways from the keynote, plenary sessions, and concurrent sessions.

  • Rob Pudim—who has contributed to the Natural Hazards Center since its founding in 1976—for the use of his illustrations.

  • Kristina Peterson of the Lowlander Center, who has again organized a collection of beautiful jewelry for sale at the Workshop. Members of women’s cooperatives are compensated for the purchase of their product, and all additional proceeds go to the Bill Anderson Fund, the Mary Fran Myers Scholarship Fund, and the Gilbert F. White Endowed Graduate Research Fellowship. Over many years at the Workshop, Kristina and her colleagues have raised more than $40,000 for these scholarship programs and the displaced women whose jewelry components are part of some of the products. We thank all of you who have made a purchase, because you have made a tangible difference in people’s lives and livelihoods.