Narratives of Resilience: Storytelling in Disaster Research
Thursday, July 18, 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. MDT
Location: Pine
This session was inspired by the following submissions:
Lessons From the 2022 Yellowstone Floods: The Power of Documentary Film Interviews
Hugo Sindelar, Montana State University
Reflexivity in Storytelling: A Graduate Student Roundtable of Recent Fieldwork Experiences
Hannah K. Friedrich, University of Arizona
Yajaira I. Ayala, University of Delaware
Melissa Villarreal, University of Colorado Boulder
Jen Liu, Cornell University
Tim Schütz, University of California, Irvine
Margaux Fisher, University of California, Irvine
Exploring Residential Decision-Making After Wildfire with Photovoice
Ronald Schumann, University of North Texas
Alex Greer, State University of New York at Albany
Sherri Binder, Brokopp Binder Research and Consulting
Miranda Mockrin, U.S. Forest Service
Exploring the Community Impacts of 2017 and 2022 Hurricanes in Puerto Rico
Diana Ramirez-Rios, State University of New York at Buffalo
Maria Carolina Torrado-Bayona, University of the North, Colombia
Angelo Soto-Vergel, State University of New York at Buffalo
Community Narratives: Influencing Participatory Action Research Cycles, Processes, and Researchers
Haleh Mehdipour, University of Florida