Career Kickstarter

Monday, July 15, 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. MDT
Location: Centennial E

This year’s Career Kickstarter has a new format! We invite those interested to grab their lunch and head to Centennial E to make connections during this semi-structured meet-up. Please look for the designated seats and tables for “job seekers” and “jobs to share” so everyone can quickly learn about available opportunities and have plenty of time to network.

Those with job opportunities to share will participate in a rapid round-robin of available or forthcoming positions during the first half of the session while everyone is enjoying their lunch. We encourage job seekers to remember the individuals they are interested in speaking with, because during the second half of this session, attendees will have the opportunity to mingle informally, follow up with questions, and exchange contact information. Those highlighting jobs are welcome to bring advertisements/descriptions to share, while those looking for new opportunities may want to bring resumes. Everyone is encouraged to bring business cards to easily connect after the Workshop.

In addition to this session, a resource table will be available for the duration of the Workshop where participants can leave flyers and other materials that might be of use to job seekers or employers. Please bring plenty of copies to share.

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