Film Screening: Quake Heroes

Sunday, July 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. MDT
Location: Interlocken A

Join us for this special screening of Quake Heroes, a unique blend of storytelling and real-life heroism designed to inspire resilience and preparation for the next big quake. Based on true stories of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, this is more than just a captivating movie—it’s a strategic tool that drives preparedness by helping the audience empathize with the protagonists as they overcome challenges and learn lessons.

The 55-minute film gives a glimpse into the experiences of multiple Northridge survivors. You’ll hear the stories of Mike Kubeisy, a photographer who rescues his neighbors and finds love amidst the rubble; Ana Zamora, a nurse who battles the odds to save patients in a flooded hospital; Joe Rico, a news reporter who is the first on the airwaves after the earthquake; and Buffy Grenier-Fitch, a counselor who helps her neighbors and reminds us of the importance of community. The film also features firefighters, earthquake scientists, and engineers.

We hope you’ll enjoy this special event and the discussion that follows. Please note that lunch will not be provided but can be brought in. You can learn more about local meal options here.

Discussion: Motivating Preparedness Behavior Using Storytelling and Social Science

Following the screening, film creators will delve deeper into the making of the Quake Heroes and what inspired them to use the medium as a way to drive earthquake preparedness. They will also discuss how individuals and organizations can use the film to spur their own communities to action by pairing screenings with opportunities to take immediate preparedness steps, such as signing up for alerts, purchasing supplies, or enrolling in life-saving skills courses.

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