David Schwartz is an associate professor and director of the Rochester Institute of Technology’s (RIT) School of Interactive Games and Media. He has worked in the academic field of game design and development since 2001 when he founded the Game Design Initiative at Cornell University. In 2007, Schwartz moved to RIT as a game design and development faculty member who formed the School of Interactive Games and Media (IGM) in 2011. After receiving tenure in 2011, he became IGM's Director in 2015. His current research focuses on the gamification of cybersecurity, resilience games, geogames, digital twins, and physically-based animation. He is currently the principal investigator of a research and development project for developing a resilience game engine framework (Jack Voltaic, Army Cyber Institute) to educate critical infrastructure stakeholders about designing for natural, physical, and security disasters and attacks. Schwartz is also developing the digital twins framework for a current National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development award at RIT for connected vehicles.